
Civil Registry Office

A certified copy is a duplicate identical to the original, through which the certifying party assures that it is identical to the original.

To obtain a certified copy, the applicant must go to the Civil Registry Office with the original document to be copied. Certified copies are issued by a municipal officer on-site based on the original document provided by the applicant.

As information: Loi du 29 mai 2009 portant abolition de l’obligation de fournir une copie certifiée conforme d’un document original.
Dans toute procédure administrative relevant de l'Etat, des communes ou d'une personne morale de droit public, la certification conforme à l'original de la copie d'un document délivré par une autorité administrative luxembourgeoise ou d'une autorité administrative d'un autre Etat membre de l'Union européenne à produire dans cette procédure ne peut être exigée. En cas de doute sur la validité de la copie produite ou envoyée, la présentation de l'original peut être demandée, avec indication des motifs à la base de cette demande. Le Bureau de la Population n’est pas à même d’établir une copie certifiée conforme d’un acte de l’état civil (naissance, mariage, décès) délivré par une autre commune.

Signature legalisation certifies the sincerity and truthfulness of the signature placed on a document or act. Its purpose is to attest that this signature is authentic and valid, and that it has been placed by the person him- or herself. To have a signature legalised on documents, the individual must present him- or herself at the Civil Registry Office with valid identification and personally sign the document in front of the municipal officer authorised to legalise signatures.

The following certificates can be requested from the Civil Registry Office upon presentation of valid identification:

You can order the residence certificate from the Commune using the following form (sent by email or by post). The certificate is also available in authenticated mode on www.guichet.lu

For the proof of life certificate, you must present yourself in person at the Civil Registry Office.

These certificates are issues in Luxembourgish, French and German based on the data in the National Register of Natural Persons.

The Civil Registry Office can issue a parental authorisation for underage children traveling outside the country without being accompanied by either parent. A parent or legal guardian must present him- or herself at the Civil Registry Office with valid identification and provide the following information:

  • Name of the accompanying person (and, if applicable, the name of the association, school, etc.)
  • Travel destination of the child
  • Departure and return dates of the child

The wording of the parental authorisation may also be written out on a plain sheet. The document is then signed in the presence of a municipal officer who will legalise the signature of the parent or legal guardian.

Arrival declaration

Persons moving to a Commune in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg must declare their presence at the Civil Registry Office of the Commune of their place of residence within 8 days of occupying the new residence.

Situations differ depending on nationality, provenance and civil status of new residents, so we will limit ourselves to providing some general guidelines. For additional information, please contact the Civil Registry Office.

The arrival declaration of residents moving from another Luxembourg commune can also be made through the guichet.lu platform.

This process via MyGuichet.lu is limited to residents already residing in the Grand Duchy who are transferring their place of residence within the country or who are moving out of the country.

Required documents:

  • Valid national identity card or passport
  • (For non-Luxembourgish citizens coming from another Luxembourgish commune): Certificate of registration, certificate of permanent residence, or residence permit
  • Proof of address (e.g., a lease agreement in case of rental)
  • For persons who have not previously been registered in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, it is strongly recommended to present documents attesting their civil status (e.g., marriage certificate, children's birth certificates, divorce certificate, etc.).

Foreign nationals must also complete formalities related to free movement and immigration.

Note: Formalities related to free movement and immigration vary depending on the nationality and status of the person concerned!

Have you just arrived in the commune of Niederanven? Here's what you can request already from the Commune administration:

Departure declaration

Departure to another Luxembourgish commune

Residents changing their place of residence within the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg are required declare the change at the Civil Registry Office of the Commune of their new place of residence.

For residents who change their commune of residence, the Commune administration of their new place of residence will take care of their deregistration from the civil register of their former commune of residence.

Departure abroad

Persons leaving the country permanently must declare their departure at the Civil Registry Office of the commune of their last place of residence in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg no later than the day before their departure.

The accommodation and room must comply with the provisions of:

  • The Law of 20 December 2019 concerning the standards of health, hygiene, safety, and habitability of dwellings and rooms rented or made available for housing purposes.
  • The Grand-Ducal Regulation of 20 December 2019, determining minimum standards of health, hygiene, safety, and habitability that dwellings and rooms rented or made available for housing purposes are required to meet.

In accordance with Article 3 of the aforementioned law, any owner or operator who rents out or makes available one or more rooms is required to declare them beforehand to the mayor of the Commune, indicating the maximum number of people that can be accommodated and enclosing a plan (to scale) of the premises.

To facilitate this process, you can use the form below for your declaration.

No future tenant may be registered in the civil registry of the Commune of Niederanven until the duly completed and signed declaration form is returned after verification by our competent service for compliance with the aforementioned law.

An identity card is mandatory for all persons of Luxembourgish nationality aged 15 and over and having their place of residence in a Luxembourg commune. For Luxembourgers under 15 years of age, the identity card is optional and can be requested by a parent or legal guardian. Luxembourgish residents of the Commune of Niederanven can submit their application for an identity card either at the Civil Registry of the Commune of Niederanven or at the Centre des Technologies de l'Information de l'Etat (CTIE) (11, Rue Notre-Dame L-2240 Luxembourg).

Fees for an identity card:

  • €14.00 for adults and children aged 15 and over
  • €10.00 for children from 4 to 14 years of age
  • €5.00 for children under 4 years of age

Payment of the fee can be made in advance to the following account:

Account holder: TS-CE CTIE Cartes d'identités
IBAN: LU44 1111 7028 7715 0000
Particulars: Demande de carte d'identité pour "first name, last name"

The fee can also be paid in advance online via Guichet.lu or at the time of submitting the application via the Payconiq application.

Documents required when applying:

  • Current identity card (in case of loss or theft: the declaration of loss or theft)
  • Proof of payment

It is no longer required to include a passport photograph, as it will be taken at the time of submission of the application.

The delivery time for identity cards is typically 10 working days from the day of the application.

Accelerated procedure:

An accelerated procedure can be requested. In this case, the application fee is €45,00 and the identity card can only be picked up at CTIE (11, rue Notre-Dame in L-2240 Luxembourg) three working days after the day of the application.

For additional information please contact Christine Greis (34 11 34 - 29) or Sébastien Habets (34 11 34 - 25)

A passport is a government-issued travel document allowing the identification of its holder by the authorities of other countries. Since the introduction of the biometric passport, Luxembourg issues one document per individual. Thus, each child has his or her own passport.

A passport is only required for travel to countries requiring it, including most countries outside the European Economic Area (EEA) (including the United Kingdom). Third-country entry and residence visas are affixed to the passport when this formality is required.

Luxembourgish residents of the Commune of Niederanven may apply for a passport either at the Civil Registry Office of the Commune of Niederanven or at the Passport, Visa, and Legalisation Office (BPVL) (6, Rue de l'Ancien Athénée L-1144 Luxembourg).

A biometric passport for children under 4 years of age is valid for 2 years and 5 years for adults and minors aged 4 and over.

Biometric Passport Fees:

  • €50.00 for adults and children aged 4 and above
  • €30.00 for children under 4 years of age

The fee should be paid in advance to the following account:

Account holder: Bureau des Passeports, Visas et Légalisations
IBAN: LU46 1111 1298 0014 0000
Particulars: Demande de passeport biométrique pour "first name, last name"

The fee can also be paid in advance online via Guichet.lu

Documents required when applying:

  • Current passport (in case of loss or theft: the declaration of loss or theft)
  • Proof of payment

Passports must be picked up in person (or by the designated person authorised to pick up the passport) seven working days from the date of the application at the Passport, Visa, and Legalisation Office (6, Rue de l'Ancien Athénée L-1144 Luxembourg) or at the Civil Registry Office of the applicant’s commune of residence two weeks from the date of application.
The selection of the pick-up location must be indicated at the time of submission of the application.

Emergency Procedure:

The additional fee for an application requesting the emergency procedure is €150 for a passport with five years’ validity and €90 a passport with two years’ validity (only applicable for children under four years of age). Passports issued under the emergency procedure can be picked up three working days from the date of application at the Passport, Visa, and Legalisation Office.

For additional information please contact Christine Greis (34 11 34 - 29) or Sébastien Habets (34 11 34 - 25)

General rules applicable to all dogs (Loi du 9 mai 2008 relative aux chiens)

Every dog ​​must be electronically identified and declared to the Commune of residence of the owner within four months of its birth. Data relating to electronically identified dogs will be recorded in a computerised database (procedure carried out by the veterinarian).

The following documents are required for the declaration:

  • A certificate (see below), issued by an approved veterinarian, attesting to the identification of the breed, the electronic identification of the dog, and its current valid rabies vaccination.
  • A document certifying that an insurance contract has been concluded with a company authorized or licensed to operate in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, covering the owner's civil liability for damages to third parties caused by the animal.

The owner is required to make a declaration to the Commune administration in the following cases:

  • Death, loss, or transfer of the dog.
  • Change of residence of the dog owner.
  • Change of dog owner.

The annual dog tax is €30 and is billed in the first quarter of each year.

Dogs "liable to be dangerous"

According to the Law of 9 May 2008, as amended, concerning dogs, the following are considered dogs liable to be dangerous:

  • Dog breeds Staffordshire bull terrier; Mastiff; American Staffordshire terrier; Tosa;
  • Dogs with morphological characteristics similar to those of American Staffordshire terrier purebred dogs, “pit-bull” type;
  • Dogs with morphological characteristics similar to those of Mastiff purebred dogs, "boer-bull" type;
  • Dogs with morphological characteristics similar to those of Tosa purebred dogs;
  • All other dogs determined as such by decision of the Veterinary Services Administration.

The declaration of a dog liable to be dangerous is made in two steps:

The first declaration must be made, with acknowledgment of receipt, within 4 months following the birth of the dog, upon presentation of the following documents:

  • A certificate (see below), issued by an approved veterinarian, attesting to the identification of the breed, the electronic identification of the dog, and its current valid rabies vaccination.
  • A document certifying that an insurance contract has been concluded with a company authorized or licensed to operate in the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg, covering the owner's civil liability for damages to third parties caused by the animal.

Within 18 months of the birth of the dog, the owner must make a second declaration to the Commune, with the following documents:

  • The diploma attesting to the dog's successful completion of training courses
  • A veterinary certificate evidencing the date of castration
  • The diploma attesting to the owner's successful completion of training courses
  • The acknowledgment of receipt from the first declaration

Civil Status

Extracts of acts and certified copies of birth, marriage and death certificates can be requested at the Civil Registry Office for acts that have been drawn up at the Commune of Niederanven.

Birth certificate (FR)
Marriage certificate (FR)
Death certificate (FR)

Persons born in Luxembourg can request a copy of their birth certificate in authenticated mode via Guichet.lu.

Every birth must be registered with the civil registrar of the Commune where the birth occurred within 10 days after delivery (the day of delivery is not counted). If the last day of the period falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the deadline is extended to the first working day thereafter.

Note: Failure to register a birth within this period requires a court decision to establish the birth certificate. The birth of the child will be reported by one of the parents, or failing that, by the doctors, midwives, or other persons who attended the delivery.

Additional information on the various administrative procedures related to births can be found on Guichet.lu.

Creation of the file

The prospective spouses are requested to contact the Civil Registry Office to obtain a list of the documents required for a civil marriage.

In Luxembourg, every marriage is preceded by a ten-day publication period, which begins upon receipt of the required documents at the Commune of residence of the prospective spouses. The marriage cannot be celebrated before the tenth day, counting from and not including the day of publication, and must be celebrated within 12 months following the publication date.

Date and location of the wedding ceremony

The date for the wedding ceremony is determined by the civil registrar, in agreement with the prospective spouses, upon submission of all required documents for the publication of the marriage (the file must be complete). It is therefore important that the future spouses do not set the date or time of the religious ceremony before completing the formalities at the Commune.

In general, in the commune of Niederanven the civil ceremony takes place in the marriage hall at the Commune administration in Oberanven. However, as per decision of the Commune Council in 2023, it is also possible, upon request, to hold the ceremony in the Parc de l'Europe in Oberanven or in the multipurpose center 'A Schommesch' in Oberanven.

For more information, please contact the Civil Registry Office.

According to the Law of 9 July 2004, as amended, regarding the legal effects of certain partnerships, both partners, regardless of sex, must appear together before the civil registrar of their shared residence. There, they personally and jointly declare their partnership and, if applicable, the existence of an agreement addressing the patrimonial effects of their partnership, if such an agreement has been concluded between them.

Before being able to declare a partnership, the future partners must legally reside at the same address.

The future partners are requested to contact the Civil Registry Office to obtain a list of the documents required for their declaration of civil union.

For more information on the legal effects and tax implications, please visit guichet.lu.

Persons interested in acquiring Luxembourgish nationality can consult the website guichet.lu

Deaths must be reported to the Commune administration of the commune where the person deceased.

The death declaration can be made:

  • by the funeral home contacted by the family;
  • or by a close relative of the deceased's family or by any other person.

The person responsible for reporting to the civil registry must submit:

  • the medical certificate certifying the death;
  • the deceased's family booklet or, failing that, all identity documents and documents concerning the deceased (birth certificate, marriage certificate, identity documents);
  • the burial permit if the deceased is to be buried in another commune;
  • in case of cremation;
  • the burial certificate as well as a medical certificate indicating that there are no signs or indications of violent death;
  • a medical certificate stating that the deceased was not wearing a pacemaker.


The burial of a human body must occur between 36 and 72 hours following death. Upon justified request, this period can be extended beyond 72 hours upon presentation of a certificate issued by the medical inspector. This also applies to mortal remains that are to be cremated. They may not be removed for cremation before 24 hours after death but must be removed prior to 72 hours.

The commune of Niederanven has a total of 3 cemeteries, in the localities of Ernster, Hostert, and Senningen.

These cemeteries are intended for the burial and deposit of ashes of individuals:

  • who deceased in the commune of Niederanven,
  • who, having their domicile or residence in the commune of Niederanven, deceased outside the commune
  • who have the right to be buried in a concession.

The cemetery in Senningen has a ''Jardin du souvenir'' for the scattering of ashes.
By the wishes of the deceased, the mayor may also authorise the scattering of ashes on a plot of land on private property, or organise a civil ceremony in memory of the deceased.

The Luxembourg crematorium in Hamm also offers farewell ceremonies.

Since the signing of an agreement in 2018 with the commune of Betzdorf, residents of the commune of Niederanven can also be buried in the forest cemetery of Roodt-Syre, under the same conditions as those applicable to residents of the commune of Betzdorf.

For more information, please contact the Civil Registry Office of the Commune of Betzdorf.

In the event of a death and if a Christian funeral is requested, please contact the Paroisse Saint-Esprit Iewescht Syr as soon as possible to arrange the date and time of the funeral (and the funeral Mass) (T. : 34 00 42).